
Chinese Cultural Revolution Comes to a Neighborhood Near Ya’ll

By Timothy Spearman

In 1966, when the Beatlemania Revolution was in full swing in the West, the Chinese Communist Party unleashed the rabid dog known as the Cultural Revolution. In China, high schools and universities were closed and students were sent off to work in the countryside to re-educate them in peasant values.

By comparison, look what happened in May 2017 Stateside at Evergreen State College in Olympia. Biology Professor Bret Weinstein was berated by dozens of students outside of his classroom for refusing to participate in an event in which white people were ‘invited’ to leave campus for a day. If they were ‘invited,’ then why was he being compelled and cajoled to leave? According to Professor Weinstein police told him to hold his classes off campus for safety considerations. Gee that sounds ‘inviting.’ Things are “out of control at Evergreen,” Weinstein said. “Police told me protesters stopped cars yesterday, demanding information about occupants.” Interesting that he is referred to as ‘Mr.’ Weinstein in the media reports, when it would be ‘Dr.’ Weinstein if he were endorsing the communist agenda.

In China, Mao thought it was important to keep the Chinese people in a permanent state of ‘revolutionary class struggle.’ The students were expected to revolutionize the culture by destroying the ‘Four Olds,’ old customs, old culture, old habits and old thinking.

In North America, the Four Olds are currently being discarded. The first to go was family and family values. This was quickly followed by our customs and culture. The current North American Revolution in the making is following the Communist Red China and Communist Red Russia playbook to the letter. It began under the Obama Administration, under the platform of ‘We Are Change,’ hardly surprising given his ties in undergraduate days to the radical leftist Weathermen under the direction of Billy Ayers, his mentor at the time. It is now continuing under the cover of the Deep State.

We have recently seen the removal of a Confederate statue in Durham, North Carolina. A statue of Lincoln has been defaced in Manhattan. Why would Antifa make such a Talibanesque move as that? Did he not sign the Emancipation Declaration and make the Abolition of slavery the central mission of his administration? Wouldn’t that make him a hero of the Left? Or is the aim of the American Cultural Revolution to destroy all ‘Old Culture’? They are even calling for a monument of Theodore Roosevelt in New York City to be removed.

In China in 1966, the CCP under Chairman Mao began attacking authors, scholars and ideological opponents of the Communist Party. Mao enforced his repression of cultural leaders by using the Red Guards, a force composed of millions of young people who had been taken from school to ‘re-education camps,’ where they were subject to brainwashing and turned into zealots of the party faithful.

By comparison, have not professors like Robert O’Driscoll of the University of Toronto, Henry Makow, former professor of York University, and University of Toronto Professor, Jordon Peterson, been under attack for violating the tenets of political correctness? Peterson has protested strongly against the cultural revolution in Canada that requires him to use gender-neutral vocabulary that prevents him from using gender-specific terminology when delivering lectures on psychology. There have been calls for him to face discipline hearings and to be dismissed from the university. Yet the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees freedom of speech and expression.

As chairman of the CCP, Mao had the authority to summarily remove people from the ruling party, and did so frequently. He believed there were hidden enemies of the communist revolution within the party who needed to be identified and removed. From 1966 to 1969, Mao purged many of the party’s top leaders from their positions.

In the U.S. under Donald Trump, the situation is reversed. Many of his party faithful are being pressured by the Deep State to abandon ship and leave him increasingly isolated so that, absent supporters and an inner vanguard, he will be vulnerable to impeachment and removal from office as planned since the day of his inauguration.

Mao used his Red Guard army and various other worker and peasant groups to terrorize millions of Chinese people during the Cultural Revolution. Intellectuals who did not subscribe to official party line were isolated for special treatment. Mao imprisoned thousands of intellectuals and forced millions to work with the peasants in the countryside under ‘re-education’ programs.

Similarly, those who do not adopt the oppressive ideology of the state and the ‘political correctness’ mandate that has been imposed on the entire West find themselves subject to the strictest discipline proceedings, where they are cast out of their job on to the street. This requires that they adopt gender-neutral vocabulary, and accept designations such as ‘same-sex marriage,’ now re-designated ‘marriage equality.’

In addition, prepubescent children are being exposed to UN-mandated sex education influenced by the Kinsey Institute, which undertook scientifically-skewed studies in order to distort the sexual habits and proclivities of Americans. This would be considered child abuse if it were done at home, but as long as Big Brother oversees the outrage all is good. Meanwhile, the National Health Services are permitted to supply sex-altering drugs to children to make it easier to undergo sex changes at a later stage in their development.

The fact that the Cultural Revolution had such massive effects on Chinese society is largely due to use of political slogans used during the various cultural drives. For example, the slogan ‘to rebel is justified’ became a unifying theme. In North America, to throw the baby out with the bath water has become the norm, so watch out for falling statues in New York Harbor.

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