
The Contrived Execution of Edith Cavell

The ‘Nordeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung,’ of 13th March 1915, reported that large quantities of food were now arriving in Germany from Belgium by rail.  ‘Schmoller’s Yearbook for Legislation, Administration and Political Economy’ for 1916, confirms that one billion pounds of meat, one and a half billion pounds of potatoes, one and a half billion pounds of bread, and one hundred and twenty-one millions pounds of butter had been shipped from Belgium to Germany in that year alone.

A patriotic British woman who had operated a small hospital in Belgium for several years, Edith Cavell, wrote to the Nursing Mirror in London in April 1915, complaining that these… “Belgian Relief supplies were being shipped to Germany to feed the German army.”

The Germans considered Miss Cavell to be of no importance, and paid no attention to her, but the British Intelligence Service in London was appalled by Miss Cavell’s discovery, and demanded that the Germans arrest her as a spy.  Sir William Wiseman, head of British Intelligence, and partner of Kuhn Loeb Company, feared that the continuance of the war was under threat and secretly notified the Germans that Miss Cavell must be executed. The Germans reluctantly, duly arrested her and charged her with aiding prisoners of war to escape.  The usual penalty for this offence was three months imprisonment, but the German authorities meekly bowed to Sir William Wiseman’s demands and executed Edith Cavell by firing squad, thereby creating one of WWI’s principal martyrs.

And of course, the British propaganda machine now had enough material to boost anti-German sentiment even further, for many months to come.

With Edith Cavell no longer a threat to their ‘little game,’ the ‘Belgian Relief’ operation continued unabated, although in 1916, German emissaries again approached London officials with the information that they did not believe Germany could continue military operations, not only because of food shortages, but because of financial problems. More ’emergency relief’ was therefore sent, enabling Germany to continue in the war until November 1918, by which time the war had finally lost its impetus and came to an abrupt end.

This is all meticulously documented in a book entitled, ‘The Triumph of Unarmed Forces 1914-1918′ (1923) by Rear Admiral M.W.W.P. Consett, who was the British Naval Attaché in Sweden.  His job was to keep track of the movement of supplies, in other words the aforesaid ‘unarmed forces’ necessary for the continuation of the conflict. For example, Scandinavia was completely dependent on British coal.  This had the effect of ensuring that the Swedish iron ore that was manufactured into the U-Boats that sank Allied shipping, ironically reached Germany on vessels powered by British coal.

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