He gave his life so everyone could be free
I can’t think of another person who has had a larger impact on the way people think than Ernst Zundel. By standing up to the powers that be, and with a lot of help from his friends, he got the Supreme Court of Canada to eventually and begrudgingly validate the truth of what he was saying.
He got Holocaust Revisionism verified as a real subject with real questions about the historical record, and about the lies that continue to be told that utterly distort the truth of the world.
Of course, the truth never matters when it opposes the designs of the ever present Deep State, that notorious Jewish succubus which sucks the life out of all states and all people.
So far from being able to celebrate his landmark legal victory with his friends, instead Zundel suffered years of imprisonment (at least seven, that we know of) and a permanent ban on public speaking that lasted right up until a few days ago when a heart attack took him away forever.
And all this because they found him innocent!
The charges were all spurious, never clearly defined. He was initially charged with a hate crime for publishing a book by Richard Harwood (a pseudonym) titled ‘Did Six Million Really Die.’ Two trials drew Revisionist experts from all over the world, and they demolished all the fictional Jewish claims. Somewhere along the line somebody blew up Zundel’s house.
(Since that time, officials at the Auschwitz site have lowered their supposed death toll from 4 million to 1.4 million, but using Jewish mathematics, commentators on the Jewish TV networks continue to use the 6 million figure.)
So after being illegally kidnapped in Tennessee, abused for two years in Canada (they never turned out the lights in his cell and made him write with a pencil stub), they shipped him to Germany for five more years in a prison system in which the truth is no defense because it has been declared irrelevant by law. Since World War II, German courts have been totally polluted by perverted Jewish logic; so unjust are they today that Zundel’s lawyer Sylvia Stolz got five years for trying to defend him.
The wicked silence
This is the great silence, the wicked silence, where the great powers declare what can be known and what cannot.
We are not allowed to know who our government murders surreptitiously, and we may not challenge the macabre Jewish death fantasies about World War II. Some 271,000 souls was the final camp death toll compiled by the Associated Press in 1946; some $28 billion in Holocaust reparations has been collected by Jewish judges as payment for suffering by survivors of the celebrated 6 million, which is a story the Jews have used to solicit sympathy for themselves since the late 1800s.
Even the grandchildren of Holocaust relatives can collect payments for the trauma they have experienced listening to their parents bewail the suffering they have endured (which when you think about it is the perfect Jewish occupation, making a lucrative career out of complaining about misery you have caused yourself and blamed on others).
Because the Jews essentially control the media worldwide (the Rothschilds even bought the Associated Press a few years back), opposition to Jewish lies is seldom reported. The most important issues of our lifetime ‘9/11 and the World Wars,’ were all precipitated by high powered Jewish finagling, yet virtually no reporting on this can be found in any of the mainstream newspaper archives.
What happened to Zundel and hundreds of his philosophical compatriots trying to rescue the unfairly besmirched reputation of Germany is now happening in America in Oregon and Las Vegas as people who believed they could depend on their Constitution, after more than a year in abusive solitary confinement and only doublespeak from the court, now believe otherwise.
One innocent bystander has already cleverly plea bargained his way to a life sentence, and all the others involved in the Bundy standoff of 2014 or the Oregon standoff in 2016 have undergone something truly appropriate for our new American Gulag, criminal abuse by private prison guards and preposterous restrictions by a power mad judge. Observers of this kangaroo court insist the government’s objective is to never let these people out of jail at all.
The legal situation in America now more resembles the Jewish/Soviet totalitarian model of government than a Constitutional republic, where no appeal against the lawless decisions of a criminal government is possible.
Just as Zundel and his lawyer could not argue against his sentence without breaking more German laws, the corrupt judge in the Bundy trial permits no analysis of the government’s behavior at all.
The complete takeover of Western ranchlands by the Bureau of Land Management may not be mentioned. Remember, the BLM goons were stealing and killing Cliven Bundy’s cattle over a controversial decision by the government to nationalize rangeland on which the Bundy family cattle had grazed since the 1800s.
This question has not been resolved in the courts, but for merely pointing out that BLM’s arbitrary seizures of Western lands, the Bundys and many of their faithful supporters face life in prison from a court system definitely disinterested in the welfare of ordinary people who get in the way of government corruption.
American courts are becoming more like Germany every day. And everywhere in the world free speech is disappearing if you don’t adhere to the principles of the Jewish bankers who now inarguably control every person’s destiny.
Media mindlock
What stands out to me in both the cases of Zundel and the Bundys and their friends, is the apathetic response of the public to anyone who is at least making the attempt to stand up for the rights of all of us.
If they don’t see it on TV or read it in the newspapers it’s not really real to them. But worse than that, if they do see it on TV, or read it in the newspaper, they regard it as real. And this has given rise to practically every falsehood we believe in this life.
As the best known publicist for the truth of World War II, Zundel spent the last decade of his life unable to publicly address the issues most important to him. In his absence, however, the Revisionist message has sprung up like mushrooms all across the Internet and most especially on the Jewish-controlled Facebook.
The government that controls us now demands our complete silence about the crimes it has committed and the lies it has told.
Ultimately Ernst Zundel gave his life for our freedom. He refused to be cowed by Jewish lies, and returned the abuse he got from his captors with a stoic dignity that inspired his many followers. He paid a very high price for telling the truth.
No doubt authorities are pleased by the treatment Zundel received, and hope others will be dissuaded from emulating his behavior. Unfortunately for them, the opposite has happened. Inspired by Zundel’s example, the corps of truth tellers has expanded greatly and largely perfected its analysis of World War II, which proves there were no gas chambers, that Hitler only wanted peace, and that Roosevelt strong-armed all the countries in Europe in wiping out Germany once and forever, a goal which today appears to have been achieved.
In fact the real heart of darkness in World War II belonged to the Allies, in the torture of Dresden, the phony trials at Nuremberg and the premeditated starvation of Germans after the war. This is how the Jews rewarded the Germans for their hospitality. We Americans are feeling it now.
We all failed Ernst Zundel by not protesting with sufficient loudness his unjust treatment by corrupt authorities who are enriched by putting Jewish interests above the rest of humanity’s. This includes the entire U.S. Congress.
And we are failing now as men who stood up for the Constitution remain incarcerated under duress by corrupt politicians, held without bail for only protesting federal encroachment on private lands when no-bail is by law reserved only for murderers and traitors.
For the government to call these ranchers terrorists is truly the pot calling the kettle black.
All of us who believed what Ernst Zundel said and did is the real way honest human beings should act. Today this personality type is being systematically exterminated on all levels by a vicious campaign to replace us with a population totally unable to think critically and willing to go along with the crime if the salary is adequate.
However we slice it, as long as we fail to object to the abuse of others who are assaulted for trying to help the common good, we consign ourselves to a future governed by the wicked silence of people who are afraid to speak the truth, who have been intimidated for fear of earning the wrath of the people who rule them.
John Kaminsky