The McCarthy ‘witch-hunt’ for the so-called ‘Reds under the beds’ during the Cold War was generally regarded as a deeply regrettable blot on US history, but the release of classified documents revealed that Joseph McCarthy was right after all about the extent of Soviet, communist infiltration into the highest reaches of the US government.
Thanks to the public release of top secret FBI decryptions of Soviet communications, as well as the release under the ‘fifty year rule’ of FBI records and Soviet archives, we now know that the much-denigrated and bankster-scorned Communist-spying which McCarthy fought against was extensive, reaching to the highest level of the State department and the White House. In fact, McCarthy was receiving a great deal of material from his friend, the FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. One of Hoover’s agents William Sullivan later admitted… “We were the ones that made the McCarthy hearings possible. We fed McCarthy all the material he was using.”
All these documents revealed that many of McCarthy’s anti-communist investigations were in fact accurate. His fears about the effect that Soviet infiltration might be having on US foreign policy, particularly in the Far East were also well founded. It was also revealed that people such as the Rosenbergs, Alger Hiss and even Robert Oppenheimer were indeed working closely with the Soviets.
McCarthy began his investigations against Communism on 9th February 1950, when he spoke at a Republican Women’s Club in West Virginia, at which he said that there were at least 57 known Communists in the US State Department, and that the State Department knew it. It has been the common charge that McCarthy launched his anti-Communist campaign for no other reason than to serve his own political career by whipping up hysteria. Yet other evidence shows him to have been a man of principle regardless of his career. In 1949 McCarthy had taken up the cause of German POWs held for allegedly gunning-down American prisoners during the so-called Malmédy Massacre. McCarthy exposed the fact that the Germans had had their POW status revoked so that the Geneva Convention did not protect them, and that they were being tortured to extract confessions. Obviously this was not the type of cause that was designed to win friends in high places and had indeed already brought condemnation upon McCarthy from the bankster-run news media.
It was in fact, the Senate that insisted that McCarthy make his list of 57 names of subversives, public, although he did not himself think it proper, yet it is McCarthy who has since been damned as the man who destroyed the innocent by public inquisitions. The final death-blow to McCarthy’s campaign was instigated by Senator Ralph Flanders (1880-1970,) who introduced the resolution for Senate censure of McCarthy. This was backed by Senator Herbert Lehman, son of Mayer Lehman, founder of Lehman Brothers international investment bank, of which Herbert became a partner.
Columbia University in its description of Lehman in regard to the Lehman Papers collection, states of the distinguished Senator…
“Having served as Governor of New York State between 1933 and 1942, in 1949, at the age of 71, Lehman was elected United States Senator to fill the unexpired term of Robert F. Wagner, Sr. Re-elected for a full term in 1950, Senator Lehman gave six years of distinguished service to the people of his state and nation.
His courage, moral integrity and unfaltering dedication soon made Senator Lehman one of Washington’s most respected senators; just as they had won him affection and honour in New York and on the world scene. He became known as ‘the conscience of the Senate’ as he led those who stood for liberal principles and for the rights of accused individuals in the early 1950s when Senator McCarthy’s influence was at its peak. Utterly fearless and disdainful for his own political fortunes he fought, at times almost alone, against tremendous opposition.”
Stating that Lehman stood fearless, ‘at times almost alone,’ is sheer nonsense. It was McCarthy who stood fearless and alone, while Lehman had behind him, the unstoppable might of the US Administration including the Presidency, the Washington and Wall Street banksters, and the most influential elements of the news media.
Columbia University also described the battle between Lehman and McCarthy as ‘bitter.’ According to Lehman’s biographer, Allen Nevins… “On at least one occasion, senatorial colleagues feared that the verbal combat between Lehman and McCarthy would lead to blows on the floor of the Senate.” Allan Nevins, ‘Herbert H. Lehman and His Era,’ 1963
Lehman, like the Warburgs and Schiffs, et al, was one of those who intermarried among the banking dynasties, marrying Edith Louise Altschul, the daughter of the head of the New York branch of Lazard Frères, the Paris-based banking house. He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his campaign against Senator McCarthy, as was the anti-McCarthy cartoonist Herbert Block.
Senator Flanders as the introducer of the Senate death blow to McCarthy himself had an interesting background, not as some ‘progressive’ or liberal Democrat, but as a Republican, an industrialist and a banker. Under the guise of being an anti-Communist, Flanders stated that McCarthy was misdirecting efforts against Communism by looking inward, at subversion in the US, whereas the fight must be directed outward against Soviet expansion. This line fitted entirely with that of the US Establishment. Ever since Stalin had foiled the US proposition to create a ‘New World Order’ immediately after WWII, via the United Nations and the ‘Baruch Plan’ for the internationalisation of atomic energy, both measures which would in the Soviet opinion have assured US global hegemony, the wartime US-Soviet accord had been replaced by the Cold War. The US Establishment had sought to recruit influential anti-Soviet leftists, whom the CIA was fond of depicting as “anti-communists.” This ideological offensive was undertaken by the CIA, with backing from the banksters, in particular the Rockefellers, and primarily under the banner of the Congress for Cultural Freedom, led by pro-Trotsky intellectual, Professor Sidney Hook, another recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
McCarthy’s most dangerous enemies were not the Soviet spies and American Communist Party functionaries he was exposing, but those whom he had not even yet got around to targeting, the mighty banksters and their many, many agents.
Flanders had been president of the Boston Federal Reserve Bank for two years prior to being elected Senator for Vermont. In 1942 he was appointed to the Committee for Economic Development, which was established to formulate US post-war economic policy, including the role of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. In other words a major bankster’s gopher.
When he introduced his resolution of censure against McCarthy, Time reported… “From outside the Senate, Flanders won the support of a group of 23 top businessmen, labour leaders and educators, e.g., publisher John Cowles (Des Moines Register & Tribune,) Movie Producer Samuel Goldwyn, Financier Lewis W. Douglas (chairman, Mutual Life of New York.) They wired every US Senator (except McCarthy himself) urging a favourable vote… to curb the flagrant abuse of power by Senator McCarthy.” This would be quite amusing if it was not so serious a matter.
Note that those against McCarthy were the Left/Socialist/Marxists combined with big business and capital, not exactly the nexus that any student of history and geopolitics would expect. Flanders’ resolution read… “Resolved, that the conduct of the Senator from Wisconsin… is unbecoming a member of the United States Senate, is contrary to senatorial traditions, and tends to bring the Senate into disrepute, and such conduct is hereby condemned.”
Please bear in mind that at this stage, both Flanders and Lehman were members of the Council on Foreign Relations, which CFR official historian Peter Grosse described as “the US foreign policy establishment.” Flanders had also been involved in a CFR study committee on post-war US foreign policy set up in 1940. Flanders was also a member of the Business Advisory Council, another association of significance that will be considered shortly.
Other CFR study group members included Lauchlin Currie and Benjamin V. Cohen both from the US State Department, Asia expert Professor Owen Lattimore, and economist Leo Pasvolsky, special assistant for post-war planning to the US Secretary of State. All of these CFR advisers were to attract the attention of McCarthy’s investigations into subversion. This CFR connection was a primary key to understanding McCarthy’s political destruction.
The individuals and associations that McCarthy targeted were not Soviet agents so much as bankster scions. Hence when McCarthy attacked US policy in China as favouring the Mao supporters, it was assumed that the interests being served were those of the USSR. It has more recently been confirmed that McCarthy was correct in pointing the finger at Far Eastern advisers such as Lattimore and others of the Institute on Pacific Relations. However the policy that was being pursued was on behalf of the American plutocratic cabal, aka the banksters, whilst Stalin did his best to resist a Communist takeover and indeed backed Chiang Kai-shek right up until his final defeat.
What McCarthy believed to be Communism and Soviet infiltration was actually the entire East Coast foreign policy establishment of the banksters, centred on the CFR and whilst a large proportion of the subversives that McCarthy was exposing were CFR members such as Lattimore, Currie, et al, there were three individuals in particular who were too well-connected to the banksters, for McCarthy to be allowed to continue his investigations and exposures.
These individuals were Cord Meyer, John J. McCloy and Robert T. Stevens and he had unwittingly steered too close to the centre of the US bankster-dominated power structure. Stevens was Secretary of the Army at a time when McCarthy was involved in his final campaign before his silencing; an investigation into Communist activities in the military. Stevens of J. P. Stevens & Co., Charles E. Wilson of General Motors as Secretary of Defence, and George M. Humphrey of M. A. Hanna Co., as Treasury Secretary, had been elevated to these posts after a meeting between Eisenhower, the international bankster Sidney Weinberg, and General Lucius Clay. Those involved were members of the Business Advisory Council (BAC,) Weinberg and Clay being on the executive committee.
The BAC had been formed in 1933 to ahem, ‘advise’ President Roosevelt on business matters, just as the CFR ‘advised’ on foreign policy. The BAC was the brainchild of Sidney Weinberg of Goldman, Sachs & Co., who recruited most of the key members. In September 1960, Harper’s Magazine published an exposé of the BAC, which it described as “America’s most powerful private club.”
McCarthy’s chief target in the Army hearings was the aforementioned Robert T. Stevens, a big player in the BAC who had become Secretary of the Army. The BAC did not pay much attention to Joe McCarthy as a ‘social menace’ until he started to pick on Stevens. Then, they went into action.
The other particularly important Establishment figure that McCarthy was getting too close to investigating was John J. McCloy, chairman of the CFR, Wall Street lawyer, adviser to Presidents from Roosevelt to Reagan, Military Governor and US High Commissioner of post-war West Germany, chairman of the Chase National then the Chase Manhattan Bank.
The New York Times wrote of McCloy… “Between times and often concurrently, he was board chairman of the Ford Foundation, chairman of the powerful Council on Foreign Relations and board chairman of a dozen or so other entities, including the Salk Institute and of E. R. Squibb & Sons. As a lawyer, he represented scores of corporate clients, including 23 oil companies dealing with the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC.) Mr. McCloy was chairman of so many boards and had his hands in so many ventures that the political writer Richard Rovere once proposed that he was the informal ‘chairman of the Establishment,’ a group that ‘fixes major goals and constitutes itself a ready pool of manpower for the more exacting labors of leadership.’ McCloy came to McCarthy’s attention when his committee began investigating communist influences in occupied Germany under McCloy’s authority.”
Some of those questioned by the McCarthy committee declined to answer under the Fifth Amendment regarding self-incriminating testimony, or were evasive. The other major figure about to be investigated by McCarthy was Cord Meyer, an omnipresent Zionist-CIA operative who was responsible for special operations involved with recruiting and using anti-Stalinist Leftists. Meyer for example had recruited to the CIA-sponsored, phony ‘New Left revolution,’ the LSD ‘guru’ Timothy Leary and the radical Zionist-feminist Gloria Steinem who was responsible for the subversion and conversion of tens of thousands of innocent women to the bankster-sponsored so-called’ ‘feminist movement,’ which rather than promoting women’s rights, was the absolute antithesis of that philosophy.
McCarthy described the CIA as a “communist sinkhole.” Information had been given to him by the FBI on ‘leftists’ in the CIA. The so-called ‘communism fighter,’ Cord Meyer, had already been considered a communist by the FBI but was protected by the CIA, which according to Meyer’s own account refused to permit the FBI to interrogate him. In 1953 McCarthy stated he intended exposing a hundred communists in the CIA, and one of the first was to be Cord Meyer.
On the 14th June 1951, the bankster-owned media was outraged when Senator McCarthy dared to denounce one of their manufactured heroes as a traitor. During a long speech on the Senate floor, McCarthy masterfully exposed George Marshall’s pattern of ‘mistakes’ surrounding the Pearl Harbor ‘surprise attack,’ the mismanagement of WWII, the loss of Eastern Europe to Stalin, and the 1949 loss of China to Mao’s Reds. McCarthy also hinted that General Eisenhower was in league with Marshall and mocked Marshall’s media-created hero status… “…Marshall, who, by the alchemy of propaganda, became the ‘greatest living American’ and the recently proclaimed master of global strategy.”
A media smear of McCarthy was immediately launched under the direction of Frank Wisner, the Zionist head of the CIA’s Office of Policy Coordination, who marshalled CIA-connected journalists Drew Pearson, Joe Alsop, Jack Anderson, Walter Lippmann, and Ed Murrow. However, the smears against McCarthy had previously been launched, headed up by the Establishment mouthpiece, the CIA-connected Washington Post. This was at a time when The Washington Post was run by Katharine Meyer Graham, daughter of the international bankster, Eugene Meyer. Katharine’s husband Philip, the publisher, was a CIA operative and her biographer Deborah Davis wrote that…
“Katharine’s husband, Philip Graham, publisher of the Post until his suicide in 1963 also up until that year served as director of the CIA’s Project Mockingbird, whose object was to infiltrate the corporate news media. The CIA apparently bought around 600 journalists. Philip Graham boasted that “you could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple of hundred dollars a month.”
Graham also boasted that it was her paper that coined the derogatory term ‘McCarthyism.’ Whilst she conceded that the “…Communist Party had succeeded in establishing a surprising network of infiltrators and even spies,” the Washington Post had already in 1947 started attacking the pre-McCarthy House Committee on Un-American Activities. Graham cited one editorial as “…putting the Post’s position succinctly,” stating that the Congressional committee was “…more dangerously un-American than that of any of the groups or individuals that it had investigated.” What the banksters most feared, was not McCarthy’s attacks on Soviet spies and agents, but that American ‘nationalism’ would be generated as a by-product, undermining their proposed New World Order. Both Katharine and Philip Graham were members of the CFR.
When McCarthy launched his investigations in early 1950, Phil Graham was from the start antagonistic, and his antagonism cannot be seen as anything other than a reflection of the attitude by the CIA and the US bankster-Establishment towards this ‘upstart’ who was undoing all their hitherto ‘good work.’ Katharine remarked that, “…much of Phil’s time was taken up with the McCarthy menace… Most effective of all probably was Herb Block’s series of cartoons depicting McCarthy and his various outrageous activities. It was Herb Block who had coined the term ‘McCarthyism.’”
Herbert Block, known as ‘Herblock,’ worked as the chief editorial cartoonist for The Washington Post for 55 years, right up until the time of his death in 2001. Whilst McCarthy is of course now constant vilified by the US Establishment and its controlled media as having created the USA’s darkest period of history, Herblock is eulogised as a hero. He won three Pulitzer Prizes (1942, 1954—the year of McCarthy’s censure—and 1979, possibly for his smears against Nixon). He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1994. He was also awarded a Doctor of Arts from Harvard University and in 2000, the Library of Congress named him a ‘Living Legend.’
The other bankster-Establishment media flagship is The New York Times, which certainly did not neglect its own ‘duty’ as part of the smear-campaign to destroy McCarthy. A pamphlet written during those times, by the American patriot Joseph P. Kamp gives an alternative view of the so-called ‘McCarthy era,’ the time during which McCarthy supposedly had Americans gripped in a reign of fear. Kamp stated of The New York Times campaign… “The Times has pursued Joe McCarthy with a hysteria of invective far out-doing the statesman whom it falsely brands as master of the smear.”
Kamp stated that The New York Times had described McCarthy as a “traducer of reputations and mud-slinger extraordinary,” in its issue of 10th July 1952. Later it was editorialised that McCarthy “preys on fear, he stirs up hatred… via the route of wild charges gross distortions and assorted form of demagoguery.” As Kamp commented, this was “…pure propaganda. It included not a name or fact.” However it is typical of the nonsense that has continued to this day to be heaped upon the memory of McCarthy.
By contrast, one of McCarthy’s prime subjects of interest, Professor Owen Lattimore, was heralded as a hero by The Times, featuring Lattimore’s photo on page one with a glowing review of his book ‘Ordeal by Slander.’ Kamp stated however that McCarthy’s own book ‘McCarthyism: The Fight for America,’ was blacklisted by The Times, as were all other books by McCarthy’s publisher, Devin-Adair. The Times was published during this period by Arthur Hays Sulzberger, whose other associations included serving as a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation and of course, membership of the CFR.
McCarthy was finally ‘done-for’ by a coalition of big Business, the CFR, the Business Advisory Council, US Administration, New York Times, Washington Post, and the CIA. However, he continued as a Senator for a several more years during which time he was ostracised and his speeches boycotted in the Senate. Indeed, McCarthy was completely emotionally and physically exhausted by the hate-campaign against him and he died in 1957 at the age of 48. E Merrill Root cogently described the situation with which McCarthy was probably unknowingly faced… “…. I do not think that the Senator ever quite saw the real nature of the enemy within, the full scope of the Conspiracy in New York and Washington…”
Joe McCarthy had been a Marine air gunner, an amateur boxer, a county judge and towards his end, under constant attack, he began to drink heavily. He had also experienced first-hand, the wrath of the Zionists when he had spoken out against the barbarous treatment of German prisoners five years earlier and that made him wary of offending them again. His investigations into Communist subversion were turning up a vastly disproportionate number of Jewish Communists, and he was afraid that the Jews would believe he was hunting Jews rather than Communists.
McCarthy’s staff announced on 10th September 1953, that there was very serious evidence of espionage at Fort Monmouth. The evidence was an extract of a report from J. Edgar Hoover to the head of Army Intelligence. The document mentioned 35 Fort Monmouth employees as security risks, most of them Jews of Russian origin who had been in contact with the atom-bomb spies, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.
During the investigation at Fort Monmouth, however, attention was diverted to nearby Camp Kilmer. This was the case of the Jewish Communist Irving Peress who was an Army dentist who was proved to be not only a member, but also an organiser of Communist groups, and had sworn a false oath upon receiving his officer’s commission. Even worse, when the matter was exposed, Peress was promoted and later given an honourable discharge, thus escaping the jeopardy of a court-martial. The Peress case was a tremendous embarrassment to the Army, because it showed that security in the Army was a mere formality which was easily circumvented.
In late April 1954, the Army-McCarthy hearings began. The Army had accused McCarthy of using improper pressure, evidence of this being the so-called ‘Stevens-Adams chronology.’ McCarthy counter-charged that the Army was trying to discredit his committee and stop its investigation of the Army. During the hearings Stevens was the Army’s ‘star witness.’ He ‘stonewalled’ the subcommittee, giving vague, unresponsive, and often self-contradictory testimony and it soon became clear to McCarthy that Stevens was acting under orders from Eisenhower’s staff. The Army’s case, however, already had been exposed and McCarthy essentially vindicated, when Senator Everett Dirksen, a member of the McCarthy Subcommittee, testified that the Army’s counsel, John Adams and Eisenhower’s administrative assistant Gerald Morgan had approached him on 22nd January 1954, seeking to stifle part of McCarthy’s investigation of the Army.
The White House was now clearly implicated in a conspiracy to shield subversion in the government. On 17th May, Eisenhower, in an obvious attempt to prevent his own role from being investigated further, issued what became known as the ‘Iron Curtain’ order. He claimed that it was a Constitutional principle that the President could forbid his subordinates from revealing any information to the Congress. But regardless of the legal result, biased media coverage made the Army-McCarthy hearings a propaganda victory for the pro-Communists. The Army counsel Joseph Welch, through hyperbole and histrionics, managed to convince a large portion of the public that a few peripheral issues he raised during the hearings were serious embarrassments to McCarthy.
Welch was much more of an actor than a lawyer. Later, in 1959, he played a judge in a major Hollywood production, ‘Anatomy of a Murder,’ alongside Jimmy Stewart and Lee Remick, but on this occasion, the Army-McCarthy hearings, the Senate hearing room was his stage and he played his role to the full.
But by September many of his supporters in the Congress had succumbed to the growing pressure and had deserted McCarthy. His Senate colleagues stripped him of his committee chair in November and in December 1954, the Senate voted 67-22 to condemn him for ‘conduct contrary to Senatorial traditions.’ This condemnation permanently ended his effectiveness as a legislator.
McCarthy fell ill with hepatitis in late April of 1957, and was taken to Bethesda Naval Hospital, just as his ‘suicided’ mentor, James Forrestal, had been in 1949 when working on an exposé of Soviet espionage rings in the Pentagon and treason in the Truman Administration, when he had been suddenly silenced. As is often the case on these occasions, McCarthy had begun to recover, but strangely lapsed again on the Communist ‘Holy Day’ of 1st May and died at the early age of 48, the following day, the victim of an apparent poisoning, rumoured to be carbon tetrachloride. The official cause of McCarthy’s death was listed as ‘inflammation of the liver.’
The monumental irony of Joseph McCarthy was that he was proven right after all. Unfortunately, his direct methods and accusations ruined so many good, innocent people in the process, including those that were judged guilty, simply by association. Just like everyone else in politics, McCarthy was used by the banksters to counter their rising Communist agenda. He was the charismatic leader of the controlled opposition. The banksters had their Zionist agents like Roy Cohn and George Sokolsky, watching him all the time and McCarthy was an iconic figure that was set-up to fail from the very beginning. He had become too efficient at exposing the Communist menace, and too popular with the public, so the banksters ‘pulled the plug’ on him and set their Zionist media against him. He had finally outlived his usefulness.
The immense power of the new medium of television, was clearly evident in McCarthy’s demise. Specifically, the 9th March 1954, CBS television broadcast of Edward R. Murrow’s See It Now programme, which was an attack on McCarthy and his methods.
Then the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations decided to hold hearings that became known as the Army-McCarthy hearings, televised from the Senate Caucus Room. McCarthy relinquished his chairmanship position to Republican Karl Mundt from South Dakota so that the hearings could commence and both sides of that dispute aired on national television between April and June 1954, for 188 hours of broadcast time watched by 22 million viewers.