Apart from a brief, final rally in the autumn of 1918, the German forces were well beaten, surrendered unconditionally and the Armistice was duly signed which ended the war on the 11th November 1918 at 11.00 am, thus bringing to an end four years of horrific, unspeakable bloodshed. Now all that remained was the Treaty of Versailles, which the Germans genuinely believed would be a fair and just settlement of post-war reparations for a nation that had been absolutely shattered beyond the point of recognition, by the privations and horrors of the war. In this they were to be bitterly disappointed. In fact the terms of the treaty were so inordinately destructive to the German nation that it not only lost much of its territory but it did not actually make the final reparations payment until 2009! This in fact led directly to the economic conditions that set the scene for the rise of Hitler and ultimately to World War II. All as pre-planned, by our anti-heroes, the banksters, of course.
The treaty that officially ended WWI was the ‘Treaty of Versailles’ in 1919. This is the reason why the dates of this war are sometimes recorded as 1914-19. Although it has to be said that it has now been recently surreptitiously announced that WWI has now ‘officially’ ended due to Germany’s final reparation payment having been made, 90 years after the event.
Several interesting personalities attended these meetings. In the British delegation was the British economist John Maynard Keynes and representing the American bankster interests was Paul Warburg, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve. His brother Max, the head of the German bankster firm of M.M. Warburg and Company, of Hamburg, Germany and who was not only in charge of Germany’s finances but as a leader of the German espionage network, was there as a representative of the German government. Do we need any more proof of collusion between the two sides to achieve maximum impact on the welfare of ordinary Germans?
The Treaty was purportedly written to end the war, but another delegate to the conference, Lord Curzon of England, the British Foreign Secretary, saw through what the actual intent was and said… “This is no peace; this is only a truce for twenty years.” Lord Curzon felt that the terms of the Treaty were setting the stage for a second world war and what is even more interesting, he had even correctly predicted the year it would start as 1939.
One of the major tenets of the Treaty, specified swingeing war reparations to be paid to the victorious nations by the German government. It was this factor alone that precipitated three events. The ‘hyperinflation’ of the German Mark between 1920 and 1923, causing untold suffering to the ordinary German people which also led to the virtual destruction of the middle classes and last but by no means least, facilitated the rise to power of someone who would rightly or wrongly be seen as a saviour, a messiah to the German people, Adolf Hitler.
Thus were deliberately sown the seeds of World War II, setting in motion an unstoppable chain of events that would eventually, finally lead to the establishment of the Jewish homeland and to all the complex, inter-related actions that have shaped the world of the early twenty-first century, in which we all live today.
The extent of the war reparations were decided upon by another banksters’ stooge John Foster Dulles, one of the founders of the Council on Foreign Relations, and later the Secretary of State to President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Even Keynes himself, not known for his liberal views, was so disturbed by the extent to which the Treaty had been slanted towards the impossibility of fulfilling the terms and therefore presaging the destruction of Germany (one of the objects of the war in the first place) that he wrote, “The peace is outrageous and impossible and can bring nothing but misfortune behind it.”
In addition to penning the Treaty of Versailles, the victors also proposed and propounded the Charter of the League of Nations, the hoped-for preliminary to the bankster and New World Order’s one-world government, ratified on the 10th January 1920, and signed by President Wilson for the American government. Wilson brought the treaty back to the United States and requested that the Senate ratify it. The Senate, for once remembering George Washington’s advice to avoid foreign entanglements and reflecting the views of the American people who did not wish to enter the League, refused to ratify the treaty.
With the benefit of hindsight it has become apparent that Wilson intended to head the planned world government it was hoped to bring along by the imposition of the League of Nations upon the world. Unsurprisingly he was devastated when the Treaty was not ratified as he fully expected to become the first President of the World, only to have it taken away by the actions of the Senate of the United States. Of course, we are still to this day awaiting the dawn of world government but the Elite are nothing if not patient and they firmly believe that their efforts in this direction will be fully rewarded before much more time has elapsed, although they are not quite ‘counting their chickens’ just yet…